Short Doc / Documentary
Completed December 2nd, 2013
Make a short documentary on any subject.

"Very very cool. I loved the extensive video on the location and the narration was very informational and fun. Being a huge fan of Hot Fuzz (and the rest of the cornetto trilogy), that was a nice treat. It did feel like there was a lot of the same imagery. I imagine you did your best to get as many different angl..." read more

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Medford, OR
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Description: "Waverley Abbey near Farnham in Surrey, England is rich in history, the paranormal and Hollywood movies!"

Submitted: November 7th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Gator John"

by Gulf Coast Video

Genre: Documentary

Gulf Coast Video43
The Phantom Monk21
Skitzo Studios7
-Xzkape Productions2

Gator John

by Gulf Coast Video

A brief glimpse into the mind of an alligator wrestler...

8 reviews
43 votes

Smack Talk!


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