Christmas Nightmares / Horror
Completed January 5th, 2014
Create a spooky Christmas film. Maybe Santa is an evil demon, or maybe he's being chased by something evil. Maybe a present ends up having something horrible inside of it. Scare us!

"I know you've already seen my review on FFTV so I just wanted to wish you good luck!"

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Description: "Christmas Dad is excited about making a video blog capturing his daughter's adventures with the Elf on the Shelf..."

Submitted: December 22nd, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "A Nightmare on Elf Street"

by Blind Panda Humor

Genre: Horror

Blind Panda Humor62
Third Take Productions26
Storm Front Reno7

A Nightmare on Elf Stre

by Blind Panda Humor

Christmas Dad is excited about making a video blog capturing his daughter's adventures with the E...

3 reviews
62 votes

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