Forbidden Love / Romance
Completed March 2nd, 2014
Show us a forbidden love between anything other than two people. Does your main character fall in love with a mannequin? Can a cat love a dog? Tell us how the great love began and/or how it all ended!

"I really enjoyed your video, the whole concept is really funny and I love the title too. Personally I would have ended it at around 0:34 when the girl says "please don't look at me like that", but your ending was great too. I'm surprised that this didn't get into the MiddleWeights at least. You have really great ..." read more

Avatar TheLoneFilmaker
Long Island, New York
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Description: "When in a relationship, it's tough to know when to try and make it work, or if you're both just too different."

Submitted: February 15th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Zombie Date"

by Clone Magic Films

Genre: Romance

Clone Magic Films21
Defenses Down14

Zombie Date

by Clone Magic Films

My first try on 3D. Let me know. Thanks

3 reviews
21 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb The Guardian

The film is based off an old short for a Cable Access show called Shonklers.

Thumb Uh Oh, Wallet Amok

Uh oh! A wallet has gone missing!

Thumb Eye for an Eye

The story of two rival film makers neck to neck. See the full version at http...