Forbidden Love / Romance
Completed March 2nd, 2014
Show us a forbidden love between anything other than two people. Does your main character fall in love with a mannequin? Can a cat love a dog? Tell us how the great love began and/or how it all ended!

"This film was really awesome, i like how you went for an outside the box ambiguous subject much like the "I Cheated" film. I thought that the emotion was really there and your filmaking skills are incredible. The whole 24 hour to live thing is a bit cheesy but I think that you made it work really well for your fil..." read more

Avatar TheLoneFilmaker
Long Island, New York
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Description: "A man who has tried to have a steady relationship with baseball his whole life, has to cope with a medical condition."

Submitted: February 16th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Zombie Date"

by Clone Magic Films

Genre: Romance

Clone Magic Films21
Defenses Down14

Zombie Date

by Clone Magic Films

My first try on 3D. Let me know. Thanks

3 reviews
21 votes

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