Planet of the ______ / Sci-Fi
Completed February 16th, 2014
Your hero has arrived/awoken in a world that is now ruled/overrun by (fill in the blank). Giant ninja kangaroos, flying turtles, or maybe lobsters with Boston accents. No apes!

"I thought this was a funny idea, I enjoyed the story very much but agree with everything StormFrontReno said! It felt like you rushed it, taking a little more time and reviewing your shots before you've finished shooting is a good idea. Watch your audio levels too, the sandwich voice was peaking a lot. Good effort..." read more

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Description: "Malcolm wakes up to realize the world has been overrun by evil mutant sandwiches!!! Will he survive?! What will Malcolm do?!"

Submitted: December 8th, 2013

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Planet Of The Mist Men"

by ForFilmsSake

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Joe's Group20

Planet Of The Mist Men

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