Eyes Wide Shut / Any
Completed May 25th, 2014
In this film the actors can not open their eyes, ever.

"This was pretty funny but you really need to work on your audio, the dialogue was quite quiet in places. Good audio is one of the most important parts of your film, get that right and you'll make the heavy weights I'm sure."

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Description: "Don't use the eye drops.......they're super glue! "

Submitted: May 11th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Curse of the Rougaru"

by RellikStudios

Genre: Any

Vibrant colors6

Curse of the Rougaru

by RellikStudios

Three sets of three knocks at 3:33 am. Never has there been a more ominous sign.

6 reviews
10 votes

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Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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