Lost Episode Fest (Horror Commercial) / Commercial
Completed June 29th, 2014
Make a terrifying commercial. Zombies eating brains cereal, ant killer spray with killer ants, that kind of thing. LEFT will give $100 in prizes to the winner. Plus your film screens at the fest!

"What I really liked: The idea of making a shoe commercial, because you can do so many things with that idea in a horror type commercial. Though, I felt the thing lostepisodefest said is very true. It needed that extra kick at the end. Some kind of punchline. It started out like a commercial, but it didn't really e..." read more

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Description: "Music: Prelude and Action Stormfront Kevin Macleod (incompetech.com/) Licensed under Creative Commons "

Submitted: June 23rd, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "iHide Commercial"

by Dutch Lake

Genre: Commercial

Dutch Lake54
Oblivion Media Group20
Basement Jesus12
-Xzkape Productions3

iHide Commercial

by Dutch Lake

Sick of not being able to find a hiding spot when being chased by a homicidal maniac? Don't worry...

1 reviews
54 votes

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