Dinosaurs / Any
Completed December 2nd, 2014
There are not enough dinosaurs in Film Fights entries. This fight needs a dinosaur. Show us a dinosaur. Dinosaur!

"You had some nice camera movement, your music and voice-over set the tone well really getting across the mundane drudgery of everyday life and your compositing was pretty good too. However I felt there were sounds missing because if you can hear the T-Rex footfalls then you should also hear other stuff like the al..." read more

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Description: "The blandness of his daily life, makes a man wish for a little bit of excitement."

Submitted: November 15th, 2014

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Dinosaw"

by Calusa Media

Genre: Any

Calusa Media54
MOTU Media9


by Calusa Media

A hunter must avenge is family's deaths by killing the beast who ate them.

3 reviews
54 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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