Valentine's Day / Any
Completed February 22nd, 2015
Make a video ode to someone you love this Valentine's day. Go the serious route and make it docu-style, or get silly and show your love to something weird!

"A cute little story with an ironic twist and ideal for the 30 second time limit. It was a shame about the background noise and when the audio dropped out all together, recording some ambient sound without talking to fill in the gap would have made it obvious. Also those fades were a bit distracting, it would have ..." read more

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Description: "You know the short story we all had to read in school? The gift of the magi, the girl cuts off her hair. Here's a modern one"

Submitted: February 9th, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Valentine's Day Proposal"

by Radnaut

Genre: Any

The Phantom Monk19

Valentine's Day Proposa

by Radnaut

Thanks Cupid!

1 reviews
31 votes

Smack Talk!


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