April Fools Gone Wrong / Comedy
Completed April 7th, 2015
It's April Fool's Day and your character has a great prank to pull, but it backfires, terribly. Show us what happen's when the prank doesn't go as expected.

"i think that the concept of making the guy look like a wird jerk is cool but you needed to put more effort on showing the guy's personality, also the actor need to improve his acting, and i almost couldn't read the paper so you need to write it with markers or improve the lighting, otherwise good job with the mon..." read more

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Description: "One student asks another student to prom."

Submitted: March 26th, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "April Fooled Too Far"

by Radnaut

Genre: Comedy

Film Club19

April Fooled Too Far

by Radnaut

April Fools Gone Wrong

5 reviews
21 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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