Living with Zombies / Any
Completed April 19th, 2015
The zombie outbreak wasn't so bad, now you've just got to live with all these zombie relatives! How would you "live" with the dead? AKA Don't kill the zombies!

"A Radnaut Original! On point & that 1-855 ALT number is the icing on the cake. Excellent work guys!!"

Avatar Doctor Creep
Phoenix, AZ
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Description: "Call 1-855-ALT-8500 to report any ALT activity"

Submitted: April 7th, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Zombie Rescue"

by The Phantom Monk

Genre: Any

The Phantom Monk24

Zombie Rescue

by The Phantom Monk

An urgent appeal on behalf of lonely zombies!

5 reviews
24 votes

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