Toy Story / Any
Completed June 14th, 2015
Your main character's toy comes to life. Does it become a helpful friend or a terrifying killer?

"That teddy was a... Psycho! Get it? Awesome homage to an all time great flick. Great ECU inserts (extreme close up cutaways) and I loved the fast pacing -- just add some more sound effects, steady your hand, and you will be a heavyweight contender in no time! Good job!" read replies

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Description: "A brutal murder of the cuddly sort! Music: Reign Supreme & Hush Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Alarm Sound: SoundFXGuru"

Submitted: May 2nd, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cookie's Fury"

by FortCoyote Productions

Genre: Any

FortCoyote Productions26
House of Broken Mirrors14

Cookie's Fury

by FortCoyote Productions

While their child sleeps, two friends enjoy some milk and cookies until one makes a tragic mistak...

3 reviews
26 votes

Smack Talk!


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