What's In the Box? / Thriller
Completed August 9th, 2015
Your main character has something to hide but never reveal "what's in the box".

"You guys have a unique style that all your entries fall into. The guy plays creepy very well. Some of the sound was hard to hear. The line at the end sounded kind of funny. Glad to see another entry from you guys. Keep them coming!"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "A creepy guy drags a box along a road. What could be inside? Hmmmm."

Submitted: July 6th, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Box"

by TheFilmingDutchman

Genre: Thriller

Stay In Kids Productions2

The Box

by TheFilmingDutchman

A young woman finds redemption.

2 reviews
8 votes

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