Stock Footage / Any
Completed November 29th, 2015
Cut yourself into some old stock footage and make your own story around it. You can use the Prelinger Archives: http://tinyurl.com/l3d665k or any other stock footage site.

"Nice use of some great stock footage and a well written voice over with a good message. I do have to dock you a few points for going over the "Under A Min" time constraint though."

Avatar StormFrontReno
Reno, Nevada
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Description: "This is a short film for my high school video production class focused on the environment. "

Submitted: November 2nd, 2015

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "We Can't Breathe Money"

by Brophy

Genre: Any

Round Balls2

We Can't Breathe Money

by Brophy

This is a short film for my high school video production class focused on the environment.

2 reviews
7 votes

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