Death & Taxes / Any
Completed April 17th, 2016
"In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." So make a short about death & taxes!

"I loved the presentation. Especially the opening scene. I wish the dialogue for the king and villager was recorded outside, in a room with low reflections, or outside with the actors projecting a little. When cutting to the tree it might have been neat to have the king sort of rambling in the background, as it ..." read more

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Description: "Even in Puppetville only 2 things are certain Death and Taxes."

Submitted: April 3rd, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Tax Exempt"

by Visual Feast

Genre: Any

Visual Feast23
Film Club18
Rockfish films2

Tax Exempt

by Visual Feast

A man attempts to file his tax return with deadly results.

1 reviews
23 votes

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