Paper / Any
Completed May 1st, 2016
Use paper to have a fight. Paper balls, paper planes, maybe even signed legal papers! This fight should be brutal.

"I ant to thank every one who voted for us. All the contestents videos were amazing and great to watch. Well done everyone who submitted a video. This is Michael and i's first video and can't wait to do many more. I don't know how to comment on every ones videos so I hope every one sees this."

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Description: "Michael and Zane use their imaginations to create a paper warzone"

Submitted: April 9th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Paper Warzone"

by VerdeProductions

Genre: Any

The Phantom Monk16
Film Club16

Paper Warzone

by VerdeProductions

Michael and Zane use their imaginations to create a paper warzone

3 reviews
45 votes

Smack Talk!


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Hall Of Fame
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