Paper / Any
Completed May 1st, 2016
Use paper to have a fight. Paper balls, paper planes, maybe even signed legal papers! This fight should be brutal.

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Description: "A piece of paper get jealous when jeff uses his phone to write a note. There is a battle and blood is spilled. "

Submitted: April 16th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Paper Warzone"

by VerdeProductions

Genre: Any

The Phantom Monk16
Film Club16

Paper Warzone

by VerdeProductions

Michael and Zane use their imaginations to create a paper warzone

3 reviews
45 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb Good Vibrations

Definately a stretch to meet the criteria of this fight. Not our best quality. b...

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HAT TRICK!!! Unbelievable! I'm literally speechless. I'm taking the cast and...

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One short night of brainstorming, one day of shooting, one long night of editing...