Zombies Really Just Want Hugs / Any
Completed July 10th, 2016
The 1st of many 5 Word Films on Film Fights! Make sure to watch the Indy Mogul show this idea comes from! Use the title to make a film. :)

"I thought the cinematography in this film was solid, definitely conveying the tone of a typical zombie thriller. My only issue with the film is that it feels like there isn't much of a setup to the joke at the end. If the main character had felt some kind of internal struggle between guns and hugs before finally s..." read more

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Description: "Turns out the Infected really just want hugs but one man isn't having it. "

Submitted: June 26th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Guns Not Hugs"

by Film Club

Genre: Any

Film Club12

Guns Not Hugs

by Film Club

Turns out the Infected really just want hugs but one man isn't having it.

1 reviews
12 votes

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