Satan Gets A New Job / Any
Completed August 14th, 2016
How about another 5 Word Films fight! Make sure to watch the Indy Mogul show this idea comes from! Use the title to make a film. :) Title by PowLoTheoddMan

"What up! This film has a lot of good stuff in it - strong visual point of view, lots of locations and a good punchline! I did get a little motion sick in the handheld scenes, so watch that and pay a little more attention to the audio and you'll be golden. "

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Description: "Satan looks for a new job, but runs into some problems"

Submitted: July 24th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Upsell"

by Film Club

Genre: Any

Film Club25

The Upsell

by Film Club

Satan gives back.

3 reviews
25 votes

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