The Dangers Of Pokémon Go / Any
Completed October 16th, 2016
Pokémon Go might be the most popular game out right now, but it's not without its risks. Falling into ditches, walking into oncoming traffic, and even finding dead bodies. Title by WMO Pictures

"Nice hit at the end.The beginning dragged on a bit too much. Would have liked to hear some dialogue, other people to interact with to make it more interesting. Welcome to Film Fights!" read replies

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "A short film showing the dangers of Pokemon go. This film was made to enter the competition at filmfights.com"

Submitted: September 25th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Don't GO"

by Javi Shoots

Genre: Any

Javi Shoots23
The Phantom Monk15
Film Club11
Nessie Films Studio 11
Henry W Productions6

Don't GO

by Javi Shoots

It turns out playing Pokémon GO is dangerous, but not for the reasons you may think.

3 reviews
23 votes

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