In a World Without Moms / Trailer
Completed December 11th, 2016
What would we do without our moms? Did moms never exist, or did they suddenly vanish? Create a movie trailer showing what kind of mom-lacking world this is and the consequences.Title by Nathan Elliot

"I can tell a lot of work went into this. Love all the explosions and fire. Would have liked a better connection to why everything is exploding. If you take some time to write out a story, and then put together all your special effects,you could have a really cool video. Keep it up!"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "A world where everything explodes..... because there are no moms"

Submitted: November 27th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Laundry of Men"

by Film Club

Genre: Trailer

Film Club13
Colt n' Friends10
Golden Nugget Films7

Laundry of Men

by Film Club

After all the Moms died nobody was left to help with the laundry.

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13 votes

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