'End of 2016' Video Haiku / Video Haiku
Completed December 25th, 2016
Create a video haiku that sums how your 2016 was, you can believe it's almost over??? A video haiku is a 3 shot film. 1st shot is 5 sec, next is 7 sec, last 5 sec. Examples: http://bit.ly/s34Fmc

"We enjoyed the absurdity of this. What about trying to get a wider establishing frame as your first shot? That globe would be nice to see more of."

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Description: "idea globe spins peeing on vagina tree poor job hiding mics"

Submitted: December 11th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video ""

by Pyramoid Pictures

Genre: Video Haiku

Pyramoid Pictures7
Film Club6
Marvelous M Productions2
Career Ender Films2
Decapitated Pitchers0

by Pyramoid Pictures

It was a year full of happy cartoons, fluffy animals and blossoming flowers. You just can't stop ...

2 reviews
7 votes

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Note: Best watched with a nice pair of headphones or external speakers. laptop ...

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Our first submission since Christmas!

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Thank you to all of my amazing friends who always support me in all that I do.