Future Christmas / Any
Completed January 8th, 2017
What will Christmas be like 10 years from now? Or 100? Or 1000? What will our gifts be and how will traditions change?

"I love the sitcom style intro. Nice touch. The laugh track was overbearing and wiped out the dialog. I felt like I was missing some background story because the audience cheered for no apparent reason when the robot appeared. The blown out area on the wall behind the actor was distracting. I like the premise...." read more

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Description: "In the future robots will get their own hacky sitcoms."

Submitted: December 25th, 2016

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Christmas 2084"

by Career Ender Films

Genre: Any

Career Ender Films15
Film Club6

Christmas 2084

by Career Ender Films

Special thanks to Mark and Rachel for letting us film in their house on Christmas Eve no less.

3 reviews
15 votes

Smack Talk!


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