The Last Cup of Coffee / Dramatic
Completed April 16th, 2017
An epic race to get the last cup of coffee ensues between your two characters. What obstacles will they have to overcome to get that wonderful last cup of joe?!?!?!

"I like that the gun sound effects only happen sometimes. Also, there's a gun battle while others are just working in the background. Nice work guys!"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "Two friends break out in battle for the "last cup of coffee." The end may come as a shock."

Submitted: April 3rd, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "That Escalated Quickly"

by Card TV

Genre: Dramatic

Card TV9
8Bits Of Fun5
Poorly Animated Cartoon Violence3

That Escalated Quickly

by Card TV

People will do anything for the last cup of coffee.

2 reviews
9 votes

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