Waiting / Any
Completed May 28th, 2017
Your main character is waiting for something/someone. What are they waiting for? Are they anxious or calm? Don't reveal what they were waiting for until the very end of your short!

"This was great, it keeps you guessing right up to the payoff at the end. Would have been better if the music was consistent throughout rather than all the odd cuts. Apart from that great job guys."

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Description: "A man is impatiently waiting on a park bench"

Submitted: May 2nd, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Waiting"

by NewBreedFilms

Genre: Any

Lucky Dog 17
Constance Production9
Shoot the Brid9
Night In5


by NewBreedFilms

A man is impatiently waiting on a park bench

2 reviews
33 votes

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