Waiting / Any
Completed May 28th, 2017
Your main character is waiting for something/someone. What are they waiting for? Are they anxious or calm? Don't reveal what they were waiting for until the very end of your short!

"thanks for your advice. I prepare restart again. and the video will more 2-3 mins. "

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Description: "A guy is named Sam. His wife got a serious cancer. He meets a strange coercer. The old guy wants to make a deal with him. "

Submitted: May 16th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Waiting"

by NewBreedFilms

Genre: Any

Lucky Dog 17
Constance Production9
Shoot the Brid9
Night In5


by NewBreedFilms

A man is impatiently waiting on a park bench

2 reviews
33 votes

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