LEGO Haiku / Haiku
Completed June 16th, 2017
This haiku has to involve LEGO bricks in some way. A video haiku is a 3 shot film. 1st shot is 5 sec, next is 7 sec, last 5 sec. Examples: http://bit.ly/s34Fmc

"Thanks for the feedback deadstrange! The audio is a bit low and unclear, we should have adjusted it before posting. Glad you enjoyed it though!"

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Description: "Revenge of the Neeerrrrrd"

Submitted: May 28th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Lego Rebel"

by The Phantom Monk

Genre: Haiku

The Phantom Monk18
Green Ninja Productions3

Lego Rebel

by The Phantom Monk

Lego Rebel and his trusty R2 unit bring down the empire one brick at a time.

1 reviews
18 votes

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Hall Of Fame
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