Rogue Shoe / Haiku
Completed September 18th, 2017
Tell the story of the 'one lost shoe' that sits on the side of the road in video haiku form. How did it get there? Why would someone leave just one shoe?!?! Haiku example: http://bit.ly/s34Fmc

"Thank you very much deadstrange for the praise and advice! "

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Description: "Steer clear from the back roads, at night..."

Submitted: August 21st, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "(Shoe) String Theory"

by DunceCapKid

Genre: Haiku

Poorly Animated Cartoon Violence1

(Shoe) String Theory

by DunceCapKid

A girl and her dog embark on a sole-searching journey.

4 reviews
27 votes

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