Texting / Any
Completed October 2nd, 2017
Your short can be about anything as long as at some point a character sends a text message that says, 'I did it...it's done.' Get creative!

"Clever concept, the character at the end smacking its head on the bowl was pretty funny. Next time, lower or completely remove the audio from your video and only use the music you added so that you don't hear so much static from the camera and that would make the whole thing much cleaner. But great job and thanks ..." read more

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "I had to do it. They made me do it. "

Submitted: September 7th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "30 Second Guarantee"


Genre: Any

Ace Pro13
JAA 10

30 Second Guarantee


There is no stopping this cutthroat delivery man when deliver is guaranteed in 30 seconds or less.

1 reviews
42 votes

Smack Talk!


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Hall Of Fame
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