Burden / Comedy
Completed January 8th, 2018
The main character has a person that rides around on their back at all times. The burden never comes off, no matter how hard the main character tries. Do this practically or use visual effects!

"Old school intro, love it. I like the idea behind this entry, but the burden is supposed to always be on your main characters back. Nice high kick! Welcome to Film Fights!"

Avatar deadstrange
Orlando, FL
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Description: "The inner conscience is portrayed by a human and keeps the main character in line."

Submitted: December 8th, 2017

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Sock Puppet"

by Spice Boys

Genre: Comedy

Spice Boys6
Old Town0

Sock Puppet

by Spice Boys

Life's worries usually live inside of our minds, but for Drew, they live on his back!

2 reviews
6 votes

Smack Talk!


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