There's No Time To Explain / Any
Completed August 6th, 2018
Your film opens with a character saying "There's no time to explain". You fill in the rest!

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Description: "they dastardly duo and head off to spaceship off to Mars! Who of can't is stopping them before is sometimes they're decided "

Submitted: June 24th, 2018

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "FilmClub Film"

by Film Club

Genre: Any

Film Club11
kruker productions2

FilmClub Film

by Film Club


2 reviews
11 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb Mona List Toast

A man's attempt to make millions on eBay lands him with a gift direct from God.

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Sorry to those who submit a full film...ours ended up as a teaser because of som...

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This was a film was produced for Filmfights Week 40 and took FIRST PLACE.