Motionless 2039 / Sci-Fi,Futuristic
Completed August 1st, 2004
Set your film deep into the future, in the year 2039. It's up to your imagination to tell us what that sort of future is like!

"fabulous times 7"

Avatar jojjy
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Description: "Thanks to everyone who voted for us. Thanks to all the buds who not only acted, but helped out with props, costumes, and editing. thanks for putting up with my stupid ideas and slapping some better ones in my head. Keep a look out for future big rig films as well as gray inc, irenic maelstrom, and red line films."

Submitted: July 22nd, 2004

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Motionless 2039"

by irenicmaelstromproductions

Genre: Sci-Fi,Futuristic


Motionless 2039

by irenicmaelstromproductions

Thanks to everyone who voted for us. Thanks to all the buds who not only acted, but helped out wi...

1 reviews
38 votes

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