Same Time Tomorrow / Multiple Storylines
Completed July 21st, 2004
Your characters cross paths. (ex. Amorres Perros, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Snatch)

"That was really cool...Nice twist...Like the tip of the hat to Clint Eastwood"

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Description: "I'd like to give a ginormous thanks to everyone who helped out on this film. Firstly, to myself, Cody, thank you for donating the brains. To my brother Paul, this film would not be nearly as awesome if it weren't for your multiple camera angles and amazingly-goodtime phillipsdata.com web hosting (PA-LUG)! To Tyson, my younger, yet extremely taller (little) brother, thank you for dying non-literally for this film. Chris, special thanks goes out to you for literally ALMOST dying. this film is dedicated to YOU! To Zack, thank you for playing and not doing drugs. Jimmy, I thank you for forcing me to write a script that doesn't involve you, and for paying full price for your yearbook 6 years ago. Other important, yet not contextually as important, gracias go out to my Mom for supporting me in everything that I do even when she knows it'll result in something catching on fire. I'd also like to thank my Dad, and Westbond inc. for funding the $6.7 million for all the equipment seen in the machine shop set. Least and ironically last, I'd like to thank the thousands of fans, friends, and countrymen who voted for this film. A wise man once said, "I am Justin, and this is Film Fights." Truer words have never been spoken."

Submitted: July 7th, 2004

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Same Time Tommorow"

by C-Independent

Genre: Multiple Storylines


Same Time Tommorow

by C-Independent

I'd like to give a ginormous thanks to everyone who helped out on this film. Firstly, to myself,...

1 reviews
57 votes

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