Dale and Steve / Coming-of-age Mystery
Completed October 21st, 2005
Coming of age movies are about exploration of the world that you're growing up in, and the people you do it with. Mysteries are about solving mysterious occurances. Think like ... Goonies, that kind of thing.

"Some funny dialogue, but not enough animation. I didn't get what the ending was about, did he rip his hear out?"

Avatar AKLPhilo
Detroit, MI
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Description: "this cartoon is about the GOVERNMENT man. its about how they're holin us back man. it's about how we're not gonna be a pawn in their internation game of chess. if you don't get it then move to China- commie."

Submitted: September 29th, 2005

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Dale & Steve"

by Griffinity

Genre: Coming-of-age Mystery

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Cake Bake43
Kevs Krazy Krap37
Brazen Films21

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