The Wonderful World Of / Academic
Completed March 2nd, 2004
Teach us about the worlderful world of ... something. That something is up to you!

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Description: "Justin: Hey folks, just me for now since Jake wanted to sleep with his girlfriend more than write something nice about us winning this week (no, not like THAT perverts, he already did THAT earlier, I just mean 'sleep with' like 'slumber alongside.') This was our first project besides Jake's Vidblog 1 and Roommates that we've worked together on. Roommates doesn't count because Amir was there too and he's a cockblocker. And Vidblog 1 doesn't count because I was just holding the camera and that's about it. So, this was our first time and it was quite nice. The idea blossomed and it was a beautiful thing I hope to experience again! Jake was sort of a folk-hero to me when I was just starting out in film, and I could have never imagined collaborating with him, much less LIVING with him! Isn't life a delight?"

Submitted: March 2nd, 2004

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Wonderful World of Trees and Men"

by One Trick Pony

Genre: Academic

One Trick Pony52
Synaptic TV2

The Wonderful World of

by One Trick Pony

Justin: Hey folks, just me for now since Jake wanted to sleep with his girlfriend more than write...

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52 votes

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