Halloween! / Open
Completed November 1st, 2005
This is our annual Halloween film fight spectacular, and the rules are spectacularily simple. The film can have any title, be of any genre, it just has to take place on Halloween!

"This movie is awesome. Cool soundtrack. Freaky indeed. Like a cross between RHPS and The Puppetmaster. Im diggin it. Original music- awesome. A great combination of eerie, demented, and gory. Good work!"

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Submitted: October 18th, 2005

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Happy Halloween"

by Five Clover Films

Genre: Open

Five Clover Films57
Broccoli On A Stick Productions54
Revolution Films29
Synaptic TV27
alsoran video group22
Ninja! Films17

Happy Halloween

by Five Clover Films

I located this great piece of music and got inspired to create this short film. Don't look for ...

12 reviews
57 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
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