Everyone's Best / Random Flicks
Completed November 13th, 2005
Made a movie that wasn't for Filmfights but is still (somehow) totally awesome? Well, now is your chance to post it!

"This one is totally random and completely funny. Good job!"

Avatar AKLPhilo
Detroit, MI
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Description: "Though this isn't exactly our 'best,' it's one of the only ones we have under 2 minutes. If the limit was 3 minutes, 30 seconds, then you'd never get this. Regardless, the story behind this was that about a year ago, Greg was always 'too busy' to come make another movie with us, so I decided to do one anyway...with Greg still in it. How do I make a movie without an actor, you ask? Simple....poor animation! Enjoy!"

Submitted: November 2nd, 2005

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Glib"

by Five Clover Films

Genre: Random Flicks

Five Clover Films71
Barats and Bereta Productions49
Invert Films33
Saturnine Films30


by Five Clover Films

This film was shot in 16mm as a final project for Film 1 at the Detroit Film Center (May 2005). ...

7 reviews
71 votes

Smack Talk!


Film Fights Review Show
Hall Of Fame
Thumb The Guardian

The film is based off an old short for a Cable Access show called Shonklers.

Thumb Go Ahead, Make My Day

There's only so much a man can take before the showdown. So "Go Ahead, Make My D...

Thumb Turnaround

He's 24 years old and looking for a PARTY!