Please Silence Your Cell Phones / Ads
Completed January 18th, 2006
You've all seen those sneaky cell phone commercials where they start out looking like a real movie or something else, and then suddenly the whole scene is ruined by a blabbering ring-box. Let's take that same idea to the next level.

"First off, everything is a little too staged with the dogs. I thought the television interaction was great.. How the origran had relevant cuts to what was going on. THe ending was a little too predictable... and your audio levels were a bit crazy, i had to change my volume alot. BUT WITH THAT SAID - your c..." read more

Avatar HLR II
Muskegon, MI
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Description: "The story about one boyfriend's paranoia with his girlfriend's cell phone incessantly ringing. The movie showing, "Are You Popular?", is actually a copyright-free public domain movie from 1947(!) This is Five Clover Films's first comedy entry for filmfights.com."

Submitted: January 6th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "please Silence Your Cell Phone"

by Revolution Films

Genre: Ads

Revolution Films96
A-OK Films81
Dont Ask67
Five Clover Films65
Just Jive19
Superfluous Studios12

please Silence Your Cel

by Revolution Films

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