Opposites Attract / Drama
Completed March 8th, 2006
Oh goodness, the drama-train has come to Filmfights. People have been asking for a dramatic-type thing for years now, and I've always thought it was a bad idea. Prove me wrong! Make people care about your characters!

"Not so crazy about this, mabey because i'm a chick, but still... Well, the subtitles could have been put at the very begining or end of the clip because it was very distracting and took up most of the footage. I think that whores and advertizing is a good combination for the male population of the world, good po..." read more

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Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "A simple, stupid movie that really has no acting. Just a last minute submission as my FIRST Film Fights submission. The next movies will be better. I promise. This is just the start."

Submitted: February 25th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Opposites Attract"

by CPP

Genre: Drama

Matt Lambert Films16
Samurai Pirate14
Penny Dog Productions7

Opposites Attract

by CPP

Emotion where emotion does not exist. -Brad www.ninja-vanish.com

12 reviews
63 votes

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