Because You're Special / Odd Couple Comedy
Completed May 7th, 2006
A movie about a couple of people that are really a hysterically odd match. They might be friends, lovers, co-workers, or whatever your imagination comes up with.

"hahahah this was funny. Nice fake driving effect. ALittle to drawn out for just a gay joke. The best LW so far."

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Description: "The power of Frank Sinatra played out in a one-sided romance. Loosely based on a true story."

Submitted: April 21st, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Oddities. (Because You're Special.)"

by Saturnine Films

Genre: Odd Couple Comedy

Saturnine Films157
Revolution Films57
A-OK Films47
F.A.S.T. Clover Films45

The Oddities. (Because

by Saturnine Films

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