They Found Me Dead / Post Mortem Narrative
Completed May 19th, 2006
The story is told by the lead character who has died. He/she is telling the events that led up to their death. Maybe even AFTER death.

"I like your film and really enjoy the concept. Problem is, I can't vote for you because it ISN'T film. If anything, I wish Justin would just make a separate section for animation because putting animated against live action just ISN'T fair. It's like putting a sketch against a snapshot. For what it's worth, I ..." read more

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Description: "If you've got the money, we've got just what every brain eater needs. "

Submitted: May 6th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "They Found Me Dead"

by Newmanmedia

Genre: Post Mortem Narrative

Five Clover Films85
steve nelson21
Cemint Productions12

They Found Me Dead

by Newmanmedia

A classical take on epic rivalry.

11 reviews
133 votes

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