Fall From Grace / Comedy,Drama
Completed June 3rd, 2006
A movie about someone's downfall.

"johnny's back! or should i say nny. having actually checked out the comic, i have gained more respect for the jthm series. i say series because i haope you decide to do more. pride is very good in this role. sam, as always, was great. the diologue got a little dry for me at times, but you managed to keep it inter..." read more

Avatar Jeremy
Peoria, IL
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Description: "The story of a homicidal maniac's fall from grace. Adapted from JTHM by Jhonen Vasquez. This is our second crack at JTHM. Watch our first attempt here. http://www.slowmotionsickness.com/revfilm31.htm Watch more fun movies and such at http://www.slowmotionsickness.com/"

Submitted: May 19th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Fall From Grace"

by Sojourner Films

Genre: Comedy,Drama

Sojourner Films78
on rye ltd. (3/4)68
Revolution Films47
Saturnine Films33
8th Day Labour16

Fall From Grace

by Sojourner Films

Sometimes the cause of a person's downfall is not their most obvious flaw, but a more subtle mot...

6 reviews
78 votes

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