The Cradle / Suspense
Completed June 20th, 2006
The Cradle sure sounds like a creepy title, doesn't it? Cradle of life? Haunted cradles? Is it a metaphor for youth or something else entirely? Is it a ship named "Cradle"? Goodness, many creepy options with this one!

"OMG! was that a real baby? hehe...great use of locations. got slow for me a little,. but overall, you kept the flow going nicely. looks like you had really good lighting, but im not sure why you went with black and white. originally i thought that perhaps it was supposed to be in the 50s (the opening credits made ..." read more

Avatar Jeremy
Peoria, IL
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Submitted: May 27th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Cradle"

by No line Films

Genre: Suspense

No line Films25
Pursued by Bear Pictures24
Schizo Studios23
NNC Productions17
Baked Ziti12


by No line Films


2 reviews
25 votes

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