FFCon2k6 In Camera Edit / Thirft Sale
Completed June 29th, 2006
1st Annual Film Fights Con movie. Had to buy an item from a garage sale, and incorporate it into a short film using no editing outside the camera in a matter of a couple hours.

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Description: "Created for FFCon2k6. Written, Directed and Starring: Griffin of Griffinity Films, Tim of A-OK Productions, Cody of Saturnine, Marissa of Onetrick, and Holly of Revolution Films. Done with in-camera edits in 2.5 hours."

Submitted: June 21st, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The Affliction"

by A-OK Films

Genre: Thirft Sale

A-OK Films41
Revolution Films15
Clarity Prevails Productions8

The Affliction

by A-OK Films

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4 reviews
41 votes

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