Our Friend, ______ / Lost In Translation
Completed August 14th, 2006
One of the lead characters doesn't speak English. He/She can speak a real language, or.. if you want, just have them speak giberish.. as long as it sounds somewhat believable.

"If you're going to put titles at the start, you can probably slow down the actual speed of the text - or just combine the two titles into one title frame so we can actually read them. Robes are pretty fun to wear. This Mujibar kind of talks like a weird baby, not an arab. Okay, sure, this intro is going too ..." read more

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Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "As Mujibar is trying to sign a form to get into the U.S....the concierge gets a papercut, all hell breaks loose. www.himlerfilms.com"

Submitted: July 16th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Our Friend, Mujibar"

by HIMLER Films

Genre: Lost In Translation

HIMLER Films113
Riverbend Films106
Pocket Aces Productions57
Dont Ask34

Our Friend, Mujibar

by HIMLER Films

As Mujibar is trying to sign a form to get into the U.S....the concierge gets a papercut, all hel...

6 reviews
113 votes

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