Wyoming Jones And The Complicated Tree / Action, adventure
Completed July 22nd, 2006
A fight done in the classic style of filmfights. The randomly generated title fights. This video mainly has to incorporate the title,

"i like your intro with the pills.. wish i had something cool like that (workign on it..) too much fumbling in the beginging.. JUMPCUT... conversation with Ninja?? needs to have more cuts between conversation... things go quicker that way... your cuts are WAY TOO LONG.. can't hear your audio now. point of off c..." read more

Avatar HLR II
Muskegon, MI
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Description: "8th Day Labour's third FilmFight. Young Wyoming decides to go on an adventure...in his back yard, but who knows what he will encounter while he's there... Check our xanga too: www.xanga.com/eighth_day_labour"

Submitted: July 12th, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Exclusive Trailer"

by Newmanmedia

Genre: Action, adventure

The TIMS83
Five Clover Films65
One Trick Pony33
Chubby Commie23

Exclusive Trailer

by Newmanmedia

12 minutes. That's how long our rendition of "Wyoming Jones and the Complicated Tree" turned o...

6 reviews
88 votes

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