Of Life Eternal / Open
Completed January 24th, 2007
Make a movie about an immortal(s). Could be any type of immortality. The “Highlander” type, the “Interview with a Vampire” type, etc. Explore the themes of living forever, and it’s pros & cons. Flashbacks are encouraged ...

"Eh this was okay. You tottaly need to get some actors. I kind of had to skip around a bit because this seemed lengthy."

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Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "A film scripted with poetry."

Submitted: December 21st, 2006

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "Immortality"

by Five Clover Films

Genre: Open

Five Clover Films92
Synaptic TV22
Dont Ask7
Samurai Pirate2


by Five Clover Films

The balance of power and living forever can be obtainable, but at what price? Everything is not ...

1 reviews
92 votes

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