The _th Sense / Any
Completed July 4th, 2007
The movie is based around one of the five bodily senses, or a sixth (or even seventh) sense of your imagining. Title it accordingly, and have at it.

"Such a classic."

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "When a movie pitch goes horribly wrong, two young writers book themselves a metaphorical date with destiny."

Submitted: June 16th, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The 9th Sense"

by SinFilms, llc

Genre: Any

SinFilms, llc29
One Trick Pony25
Beach Bum Pictures20
So-and-So Production2
Relish4Ever Films1

The 9th Sense

by SinFilms, llc

Futuristic comedy where people can practice new abilities such as telepathy or pyrokinesis.

3 reviews
29 votes

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