The _th Sense / Any
Completed July 4th, 2007
The movie is based around one of the five bodily senses, or a sixth (or even seventh) sense of your imagining. Title it accordingly, and have at it.

"Oh man, that's a seriously cheesy background. I would suggest animating it so it would be cheesier. You might end up with a cluster fuck of Quicktime encoding. The centering of the text being way to the left on the screen throws me off too. It's odd, people seem to be against adding music for this particular fi..." read more

Avatar Justin
Los Angeles, CA
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Description: "The story of a very special sense. The MacGyverth Sense. "

Submitted: June 19th, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The 9th Sense"

by SinFilms, llc

Genre: Any

SinFilms, llc29
One Trick Pony25
Beach Bum Pictures20
So-and-So Production2
Relish4Ever Films1

The 9th Sense

by SinFilms, llc

Futuristic comedy where people can practice new abilities such as telepathy or pyrokinesis.

3 reviews
29 votes

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