The Egg / Trailer
Completed October 20th, 2007
Compile a movie trailer based on an epic adventure starring an egg. It could be funny, action, drama, sci fi, anything you want.

"...............definite lightweight. Although, not completely unbearable. Except for the screaming shite in the beginning. That sucked. Some aspects of this one were better thought out than some of the others, which was cool. The whole eggs running was funny. The godzilla thing made no sense at all. Egg sex..." read more

Avatar Steve Pappin
Fairfield, IA
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Description: "The trailer for the most epic adventure you will ever eggsperience."

Submitted: September 29th, 2007

Hall of Fame Winner
Video "The EGG Worldly War IV^2"

by Operation: KillDie Productions

Genre: Trailer

Operation: KillDie Productions257
Indy Mogul217
Miguelito Productions161
FletchyFletch Films37
Futuresphere Pictures Lmd25
Quizibuck Films7

The EGG Worldly War IV^

by Operation: KillDie Productions

First to count all the Wilhelm Screams wins...something! The epic story of Military Carton of Egg...

7 reviews
257 votes

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